Contact Information for Ken Jennings
How to contact Ken with offers of marriage, money, better employment, etc:
(Offers of marriage are no longer being entertained, since I am now finally married. However, offers of money and better employment are always appreciated.)
If you already know my direct email that I check daily then
you probably don't even need to look at this page. If you
don't know my direct email then chances are you shouldn't.
I mean, incredibly handsome, talented, and intelligent (yet modest) guys
like myself are in great demand, so it pays to be a
little less accessible in order to separate the casual from
the truly determined. (or something like that -- it's what my wife tells me.)
Here's some other emails that I check periodically which means I
check them a couple times a week or a couple times a month. The
first five are actually automagic redirecting email addresses
that forward email to another email address I use. Maybe it's my
direct email address, maybe it's not.
Since the Internet is full of irresponsible SPAMmers who
have web-crawling robots that scrape email addresses off of web pages, I
have to expect you are smart enough to remove the text AT@HOST
and keep the @ symbol for email.
This Page Last Updated: 10:45 PM 02/20/2004